Professional Effectiveness
Effective Business Writing
Audience and Purpose in Business Writing
Clarity and Conciseness in Business Writing
Editing and Proofreading Business Documents

Audience and Purpose in Business Writing

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Audience and Purpose in Business Writing

  • identify key considerations when analyzing the targeted readers of a business document
  • recognize the appropriate type of written message to use for a given situation
  • recognize guidelines for writing effective informative messages
  • identify characteristics of effective responsive writing
  • recognize key elements of persuasive writing
  • use the appropriate tone to communicate a business message in writing
  • recognize strategies for writing effective business messages for a given audience and purpose

To write effective and appropriate business messages, you need to know your audience and your purpose. In this course, you'll discover how to identify your readers and create messages that convey the appropriate tone for different reader roles. You'll also explore how to write effectively for the three most common purposes: to inform, respond, or persuade.

Target Audience
Individuals, at any level in an organization, who want to refresh or refine their basic business writing skills

Clarity and Conciseness in Business Writing

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Clarity and Conciseness in Business Writing

  • identify examples of guidelines for making clear word choices when writing
  • recognize how to apply guidelines for writing clearly
  • recognize how to apply guidelines for writing concisely to a given sample of business writing
  • recognize the effective use of precise verbs and active voice in a given sample of business writing
  • recognize ways of organizing written text for greater reader understanding
  • identify design elements that can help increase reader understanding of written text
  • apply techniques for writing clearly and concisely

Being clear and concise in business documents and messages isn't always easy. But it's essential in the workplace if you want what you write to be read. In this course, you'll explore techniques you can use to make your writing more clear. Specifically, you'll learn about the importance of using short and familiar words, appropriate connotations, concrete and specific language, and transitional words and phrases. You'll also explore tips for being more concise in your writing and best practices for organizing content.

Target Audience
Individuals, at any level in an organization, who want to refresh or refine their basic business writing skills

Editing and Proofreading Business Documents

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Editing and Proofreading Business Documents

  • identify general techniques for editing and proofreading
  • recognize errors related to accuracy and completeness in a given business document
  • identify guidelines for editing the structure of written documents
  • specify ways to handle lack of clarity or conciseness in written documents
  • recognize the appropriate use of tone for a given situation
  • recognize issues related to word usage and punctuation when proofreading a given business document
  • identify grammar, spelling, and style consistency mistakes in a given business document
  • apply techniques for editing and proofreading written documents

Have you ever distributed a document or message only to find later that you forgot to include a key point or correct an embarrassing spelling error? Taking the time to edit and proofread your writing will help you produce more focused, polished, and effective business documents. This course describes how to edit and proofread effectively, covering key areas, such as tone, structure, clarity, and accuracy, as well as common grammar, punctuation, and spelling mistakes to watch out for.

Target Audience
Individuals at any level in an organization who want to refresh or refine their basic business writing skills

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